Before we begin developing your investment strategy, we take a hard look at where you are today. We assess your investment goals, available resources, desired rate of return and risk tolerance. This research allows us to customize a plan to fit your specific needs. Then we develop a unique Investment Policy statement – a blueprint that addresses your specific risk versus return concerns.

  • I will always commit myself to protect and promote the interest of my clients, and will always conduct myself in a way that reflects well on my profession.
  • I will be totally honest when explaining my education, business background, professional designations and years of industry experience.
  • I will be completely truthful by not exaggerating the realistic returns or future value one can expect from any product, transaction, service, or investment that I may recommend.
  • I will always disclose the important features of a product, transaction, service, or investment and disclose potential risks that may negatively affect future performance or value.
  • I will always consider both my client’s current and future needs to determine the proper suitability of any recommendations that I may make.
  • I will respect the confidentiality of any information entrusted to me or obtained in the course of my business or professional activities.
  • I will only use sales presentations and advertising materials, including product illustrations that are from sources we believe to be reliable and compliant with state and federal regulations.
  • I will always provide my clients with copies of all required documents that relate to the product, transaction, service, or investment that I have recommended to them.
  • I will always refer my clients to a more specialized professional advisor when their needs go beyond my current license or expertise.
  • I will consistently educate myself as to the new laws and regulations in my industry, and
  • I will always act in good faith toward those I serve.

How Can We Help?

Find out how we can help you reach your financial freedom